Verified landlord

Apartment Den Haag

Buitenhof (2513AH)

Available immediately

€ 1,695 p/m


2 rooms


Limited information available

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Spacious 2-room apartment with elevator located in the center of The Hague, overlooking the Hofvijver and the Binnenhof. Everything you need is within walking distance: restaurants, stores, supermarket, sports facilities and public transport. The apartment has a spacious living room with built-in closet and fireplace, an open kitchen with built-in appliances, a bedroom with closet and access to the bathroom with shower, bathtub, sink and washer/dryer. Separate toilet in the hall. Details: a housing permit is required, rent does not include gas, water, light, unfurnished, storage room in basement, elevator.

Properties apartment


€ 1,695 per month

Floor area





Immediately indefinitely



Broker / Corporate Landlord

Register municipality


Location of this apartment

  • Buitenhof
  • 2513AH
  • Den Haag

Amenities nearby

  • Grote Markt

    Train station - 38m

  • Marqt

    Supermarket - 20m

  • BIT Grill And Café

    Restaurant - 3m

  • Alliance Française de La Haye

    University - 15m

  • Havana

    Cafe - 5m

  • Pathé Buitenhof

    Cinema - 7m

  • MCH Westeinde

    Hospital - 87m

  • Carolusschool

    Elementary school - 57m

  • City+ College

    High school - 72m

  • Rotterdam the Hague Airport

    Airport - 16.7 km

  • Buitenhof

    Tourist attraction - 6m

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